

Democratic Iraq

Well, the results are in and Iraq is - Democrat! ie a bunch of whinging morons with little grasp on reality. However, we can live with that, just as we live with the Eurotrash.

They have just enough semblance of decency to be democratic. A whopping 85% say security is good. Let's see you get those results in South Africa!

And 64% now support democracy (vs 14% for a lifetime dictator and 19% for an Islamic State). That's tremendous!

And 51% have enough brain cells to keep the US in their country until the proposed 2011 (or beyond). Even though 56% of the numbnuts now think it was wrong for the US to come in the first place.

Honestly, it doesn't matter so long as these people don't throw the match, which they haven't. They've allowed sufficient time to set up an anti-American Eurotrash country, which, if repeated across the rest of the Middle East, should go a long way to ending terrorism, and at the same time provide at least a reasonable standard of human rights for the decent people (ie not the 56%) who are unfortunate enough to have to live among morons. So with neither the local Democrats nor the US Democrats deliberately throwing the game like they did in Vietnam, I'm a happy camper.

And I look forward to debating with the anti-American Eurotrashy immoral Iraqis once the internet connections and English-language tuition kicks in to full effect. See you soon, scumbags. My allies are the minority of the Iraqi people who are decent, not you Euroscum.

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